TUSC365 Mission & Vision

TUSC believes in Ultimate’s ability to cultivate outstanding athletes and people. This is a sports program that also teaches and reinforces integrity. We prioritize character and sportsmanship at the same time that we promote competitive play, athleticism, and fitness. We’re committed to growing and supporting all levels of youth ultimate, advocating for equity and representation, and creating a welcoming atmosphere for all players.


Texas Ultimate Summer Camp & TUSC365

TUSC365 Summer Camp 2025 Registration is Now Open!

Session A June 9th-13th, 2025 || Session B June 16th-20th, 2025

St. Stephen’s School, Austin TX

Click here for more information and to secure your spot!

TUSC365 Spring League

TUSC365 Spring League 2025 Registration is Open!

March 29 - May 10th, 2025 II Middle School and High School Divisions

Northeast Metropolitan Park (15500 Sun Light Near Way, Pflugerville TX)

Click here for more information and to register with your school team!




  • Saturday November 16th

  • 9:00am-3:00pm (roughly four games total)


  • Northeast Metro Park: 15500 Sun Light Near Way, Pflugerville TX, 78660


  • FLEXIBLE TEAM ARRANGEMENTS: Register as an individual, in a pair or small group, or assemble a full roster! See more information below!

  • High School Division [Grades 9-12]

  • Middle School Division [Grades 6-8]

  • Elementary School Division, 9:30am-12:00pm [Grades 2-5] 

    • The elementary division will include some round-robin games between our brand-new teams and/or a clinic style skills, drills, and fun!

  • All genders, all abilities, all experience levels welcome



UPDATE 11/5/2024: Thank you to the 100+ kids and coaches who participated in Fall League 2024!


  • October 6th & 20th and November 3rd

  • 3:30pm-6:30pm

  • 3 Hours / 2 games per weekend


  • Middle & High School Divisions [roughly grades 5-8 & 9-12]

    • Players will be separated by age and experience for instruction and drills, to maximize coaching effectiveness! 

  • All Genders and Experience Levels Welcome


  • Westlake High School (Austin, TX) Map View

Cost: $95 / player


Introducing Elementary After-School Ultimate! Our primary goals for the TUSC365 Elementary After-School Program will be:

  1. To introduce a love of ultimate to young ultimate players, ages 7-11

  2. To build community and respect among classmates and friends, right on local elementary school campuses

  3. To provide an athletic outlet AND promote social emotional skills such as self-advocacy, communication, and conflict resolution through Spirit of the Game

Each session will include 8 practices - one 75-minute practice per week - from September through November, immediately after school lets out. Our coaches will all be background checked, SafeSport certified, and TUSC-trained to work with this age level. Every location will be assigned two coaches, and will add coaches according to enrollment size. While there will certainly be ultimate instruction and games, we’ll be prioritizing movement, fun, and a sense of teamwork between players. Note that we’ll be using Discraft Ultrastar discs AS WELL AS J-Stars — which are specially designed to be smaller and softer for younger hands — while still moving and flying the same way as Ultrastar discs!



Re-live some of the fun from our 2024 Summer Camp in this highlight reel below! Already dreaming of next summer…

Who, Where, and When: TUSC365 Summer Camp 2024

Thank you for our biggest and best summer camp yet!

  • Ages 8-18

  • All Genders, All Abilities, All Experiences Levels Welcome

  • Unique divisions for elite, intermediate, and beginning players

  • Location (both sessions): St. Stephen’s Episcopal School


      • Dates: June 3-7, 2024

      • Daily Times & Prices:

        • Half-Day: 8:30am-12:00pm (only available for elementary school players) || $265

        • Full Day: 8:30am-4:00pm* (all ages) || $465


      • Dates: June 10-14, 2024

      • Daily Times & Prices:

        • Half-Day: 8:30am-12:00pm (only available for elementary school players) || $265

        • Full Day: 8:30am-4:00pm* (all ages) || $465

        • Overnight: 8:00am Monday - 1:00pm Friday (only available for middle school and high school players) || $790



TUSC365’s Spring League is a school-based youth ultimate league. We welcome players to participate with their friends and teammates from their school, or to combine with other teams to ensure that everyone is able to play. Building on our league model for 2022 and 2023, we’ll host both middle school and high school divisions (grades 5-12), with some flexibility on a case-by-case basis for teams and players. TUSC365 welcomes all genders, all abilities, and all experience levels. If you don’t have a team at your school, or your team is too small to participate on your own, contact us and we’ll match you up with another program to ensure that all players and teams are able to participate!

Middle School teams will play five weekends (10 games) and High School teams will play six weekends (12 games). Teams remain the same every week, play two games per weekend (for 3 hours of active game play), practice at least once per week (2 hours), and we finish the season with competitive “play-off” rounds! Game days include ice water, administrative support staff, athletic training services, snacks, and more. Players register as individuals using our sliding scale pricing, but play with their school-based teams throughout the season. We’re also bringing back our Elementary School Pick-up Days and Clinics alongside our spring league games!

As a school-based league, we also assist coaches, captains, and teams with weekly practices throughout the season and offer mentoring and substitute coaches as needed throughout the year. Teams looking for support with recruiting, fundraising, field reservations, and other needs are encouraged to reach out to us for support at any time — that’s what we’re here for! [Contact: tusculti@gmail.com]


TUSC365 Spring League Highlight Reel!

Thanks to all our new and returning players and coaches for a FANTASTIC 2023 season! The league had 425 kids across Middle and High School divisions - growth of 17% over 2022. Can’t wait to keep that momentum going in 2024 and beyond! Video by Hoag Kepner / Dream Studios

TUSC365 Youth Spring League!

March - May, 2023




Congratulations to ALL of our 2022 Youth Spring League players, families, teams, and coaches!

Thank you for a fun and competitive spring season! After THREE YEARS without a youth spring league, it was such a joy to see these teams back on the field. The players grew tremendously on and off the field, teams improved their skills and their chemistry with each other, and you all represented Youth Ultimate in Austin with pride and character. I learned so much from the coaches, I was inspired by the players, and I celebrated with families and parents on the sidelines. 

Now that we’ve wrapped up our season, I want to send you off with some celebratory video and pictures, and other opportunities to play. Read on…

TUSC365 Highlight Reel

Filmed and edited by the incomparable Hoag Kepner of The Dream Recording Studio, take a look at this highlight reel from some of our games this season! This footage really captures and spotlights our talented, Spirited, dedicated TUSC365 players and coaches! 

Photos by Photographer Matthew Brooks

Check out the fantastic pictures captured by our own Matthew Brooks – a former Youth Spring League player turned Ultimate Photographer! His photos are available to you at no additional cost, but please be sure to give credit when sharing, and do not edit any of the images. 

  • Twitter: @imagesmatthew

  • Instagram: @matthewbrooksimages 

Additional Images Available from Photographer Jon Kniss

A Spring League parent introduced me to youth sports photographer Jon Kniss this season, and he came out to catch some pictures over the weekend of April 22nd. Read his message to parents here to view his photos and order some pics if you’re interested!

Call for Team Photos

If you happened to capture a team photo from the season, please send it my way! I’d love to save some pics of our full rosters if they’re out there!

We want your feedback!

Please take a few moments to fill out our TUSC 365 Spring League 2022 – Feedback Survey. Your input gives us valuable insight into the player and parent experience that we can use to improve TUSC365 programming for the future. All questions are optional, so feel free to skip any that don't apply, or select the ones that mean the most to you. You may also choose to remain anonymous. We expect the survey to take roughly five minutes or less. You’re always more than welcome to message me directly with your thoughts: tusculti@gmail.com, or I’d be happy to join you on a call or a Zoom for some discussion!

Shoutouts to our High School Teams who participated in USA Ultimate’s Texas High School State Tournament this past weekend!

Austin High School, Bowie High School, McNeil High School, Lake Travis High School, and LASA High School A and B all competed at the USA Ultimate Texas State High School Championship Tournament over the weekend of May 7th-8th. Congratulations to LASA A for taking the state title! And thank you to all of those teams and coaches, who represented youth ultimate in Austin with pride, with Spirit, and with talent. I was so impressed and proud to watch our teams play, our coaches coach, and our families cheer them on in Plano. The state of Texas certainly knows that Austin has a strong ultimate presence – in both athleticism and character! 

More Opportunities to Play!

I recommend following our friends Austin Ultimate on Instagram and Twitter -- @austinultimate. You can reach their Youth Coordinator Petey Lowe, uplayouth@gmail.com, with questions or suggestions for more playing opportunities. (Fun Fact: Petey also coached Anderson High School in our Spring League this year!)

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram, @tusculti. We’ll be posting updates, news, and memories from TUSC365 Spring League … as well as previews of what else you can expect from us throughout 2022!

As always, I'm here for questions and feedback; I'd love to hear from you at any time. You’re on my email list moving forward, so I’ll be sure to keep in touch with news and updates about TUSC365 and other Youth Ultimate news. 

Thanks again for your participation and support this spring. I hope you have a restful, fun, ultimate-filled summer and that we see you on the field again soon!

With Spirit,

Coach Kepner

Announcing TUSC365!

It's official! TUSC Summer Camp 2022 is on! 



  • DATES: 

    • Session A: June 13-17, 2022

    • Session B: June 20-24, 2022

  • TIMES: 8:30am-4:00pm

  • LOCATION: St. Stephen’s School (6500 St. Stephen’s Drive, Austin TX, 78746)

  • AGES: 8-18 (including graduating seniors) / Players entering grades 3-12


  • COST: $450

    • Note: A half-day option (8:30am-12:00pm) is available for players who will be in elementary school during the 2022-2023 academic year. The price for this option is $255, and does not include lunch or swimming.

What will you get with your registration fee?

  • 2022 TUSC Reversible Jersey

  • 2022 TUSC Disc

  • Extended field space to ensure safe social distancing and shade

  • Additional coaching staff for small groups and a strong player : coach ratio

  • Daily snacks and lunch provided by the outstanding St. Stephen’s dining hall

  • Photography by Matthew Brooks

  • Videography by The Dream Studios ATX

  • On-site medical staff 

  • A week of coaching from players from college, club, and pro teams here in Texas and all over the country!

Thanks so much for your ongoing support and flexibility as we all continue to navigate the challenges and changes of the COVID Pandemic. As always, reach out at any time with questions, and please help us spread the word. We're thrilled to offer more in-person Ultimate playing opportunities this year, and we can’t wait to see you in June! Register for TUSC 2022 here!


Coach Kepner and the TUSC Team
Twitter & Instagram: @tusculti 

P.S. Stay tuned for news on more programming from TUSC365, including Spring League 2022 – coming soon!


Happy December, TUSC Families!

I hope this winter finds you all healthy and excited for more Ultimate! Read on for updates and to share input about upcoming TUSC programming…

Summer 2022 Camp Sessions


TUSC will be operating June 13-17 AND June 20-24, 2022! Yes - that means we’re planning for TWO weeks of camp this summer!


We plan to host day and overnight options, pending local COVID guidelines. We’ll offer customized programs for elite players, beginners, and everything in between … as well as all of the dynamic TUSC activities you love! 

We’ll announce and open registration in early January 2022! 

We want to meet your Ultimate Needs! 

TUSC is developing a vision and plan for YEAR-ROUND youth Ultimate programming, and we want to hear from YOU! Please consider filling out this short google form to help inform our decisions and offerings. Thanks in advance for your input!  





TUSC 2019 Elementary School

TUSC 2019 High School
Intermediate Highlights

TUSC 2019 Middle School

TUSC 2019 High School Elite